Keelan Ontiveros, a national cycling champion, has dedicated his life to competitive racing, from his early years in road cycling to competing at the collegiate level.
Stay focused and sweat-free during your indoor cycling sessions with Veo Strips. Discover how Peloton riders and spin class enthusiasts use Veo Strips to enhance performance and keep distractions at bay.
Last fall, we kicked off an exciting transformation—starting with a fresh new logo and website to better reflect who we are and where we're headed. Now, we’re thrilled to unveil the next phase: brand-new packaging!
Veo Strip ambassador Jonah Porth broke the Under 20 age group course record and finished an impressive third overall with a time of 4:44 at the challenging Woodside Ramble 50K south of San Francisco in December.
Veo Strip, has tapped Tom Kelley as the company’s first CEO. The former Nike, Jordan marketing leader and Wieden+Kennedy executive will lead all aspects of the innovative company.
Whether tackling a sprint distance triathlon or a full Ironman event, you’re going to sweat. Most athletes don’t consider the potential hazards and performance loss that can occur if they’re not prepared for the inevitable sweat dripping down their face during the bike or run.