Veo Strip Now Offers a Recycling Program

From the start, we have been focused on minimizing our environmental footprint, and even before this we have reduced the mass of each strip to less than 2 grams. Our move to full recyclability results from close collaboration with our raw materials supplier. Our recycling program is for true reuse of 100% of the materials you receive in your order, from packaging (paper-based and always recyclable) to the strips themselves. Note that Veo is still made of the same super high-quality medical grade materials.

One of our key goals is to make it easy for our customers to recycle. To use the recycling option for each U.S. order, please select YES under “Include Recycle Envelope” from the order page Veo Strip Recycling - Order Page and we’ll include a postage prepaid envelope for you to send us your used strips, No need to remove the adhesive (in fact, they are easier to handle if you fold them in half so all the adhesive is stuck to itself). The returns (envelope and all!) will be added directly into the raw material used to manufacture durable industrial products. These products need the impact resistance that our flexible material imparts and use all that you send back. Our recycled strips directly replace (i.e., eliminate) new material that would otherwise be required. Thank you for your help in our effort to minimize our environmental footprint!