Veo Teams Up with Pedal for Pat to Support the Pat Summit Foundation


Pat Summit was one of the most inspiring, and most successful, coaches in the history of college basketball, or for that matter in any sport.  She took the Tennessee Volunteers basketball team to 8 national titles, with a lifetime record of 1,098 – 208.  More important, she set an example for her players, who not only had success in their college careers, but also in their post-college careers, whether in basketball or other pursuits.  Pat won Olympic medals as player and as coach, and was received the Presidential medal of freedom in 2012.

Tragically, Pat suffered a rapid decline and early death from Alzheimer’s Disease in 2016.  During her illness she continued to set the example she began as a coach, and was selfless and gracious as she increased awareness of the need for research funding.   

Pat’s son Tyler established The Pat Summit Foundation shortly after Pat’s diagnosis in 2011 to raise money for Alzheimer’s care.  In 2015, along with the University of Tennessee, the Foundation created the Pat Summit Clinic, which all proceeds earned by the Foundation now support.  

This year, Joshua Crisp, a Knoxville native, endurance athlete and senior living executive, conceived and organized the inaugural Pedal for Pat 1,098 mile ride to raise money for the Foundation.   Since his original idea was born, numerous outstanding athletes and sponsors have rallied to the cause to support the event.  We are honored to partner with Pedal for Pat to support the riders and the Foundation.   

The ride will take place over 12 days in October, and will cover 1098 miles, one for each of Pat’s teams’ wins.  The core team of 12 riders will complete the entire ride, and an expected 500 others will participate on one or more legs over the course of the event. 

We connected to the ride through a customer who shared Veo with Josh and his team.  They tried Veo, and before we knew it the whole group was using it.  When we learned of this we quickly became interested in how we could help, and the more we learn about the group the better we feel about working with them.  Not only will we donate Veos to the core team for the ride, but all of the other daily riders will have the chance to try Veo free of charge.  In addition, we will donate $1 of every sale we make through the end of September to Pedal for Pat and the Pat Summit Foundation.